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Writer's pictureGabriel Castro

Thema Mundi: the nativity of the cosmos

Thema Mundi is a mythical configuration of the birth of the world. In Hellenistic Astrololgy, it was called kosmou genesis, the nativity of the cosmos.


Behind the beauty of the mythical concept lies much of the astrological logic. It is precisely from this framework that we derive important concepts such as the domicile of each planet and the quality of the aspects, when we say that squares are challenging and trines are favorable, for example.


Although there are variations, the original Thema Mundi has Cancer rising with the Moon positioned in this sign, its domicile, followed by the Sun domiciled in Leo. Mercury, which never moves more than one sign away from the Sun, finds its home in Virgo, in the sign following the star-king. Venus, which is never more than two signs distant from the daytime luminary, is domiciled in Libra. This is followed by Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn, thus receiving the rulerships of these signs.


One of the hypotheses for beginning in Cancer is the idea inherited from the Hellenistic astrologers that the world was born when all the planets were in the sign of the crab. We can remember that this symbolizes, among other themes, nutrition and maternal care. Another hypothesis for this choice comes from Egyptian tradition, which marked the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere at this time, and also because of the relationship with the fltood of the Nile.


Many ancient astrologers referred to the Thema Mundi as the birth of god (theou genesos), which connects us with the idea of the cosmos having its divine significance.


Just as we revisit maps to deepen our understanding, we will gradually explore the concept of the Thema Mundi that inspired me to create this channel. Stay tuned!

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