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Benefics and Malefics

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

In astrology, we communicate through symbols and associations just like we do with a language. Each planet has unique meanings and keywords that derive from intrinsic qualities related to them, for example, Jupiter - the Radiant One - represents knowledge (gnosis), justice, honors, abundance of profits, among others. However, in Hellenistic Astrology, there is a primary distinction between them that precedes such associations: the distinction between benefic and malefic.

The term "benefic" derives from the word agathopoios, or benefactor, while malefic has its root in kakopoios, or evil-doer. The idea is that if there is an element in the sky that represents something, there will then be another that represents its opposite.

Like electricity flowing between the negative and positive poles of a circuit, human subjective experience is constituted in polarities. This concept was explored by the pre-Socratic philosophers who delineated the main opposites we experience: limited/limited, right/left, male/female, good/bad, among others.

Similarly, the main distinction between benefic and malefic planets is based on positive and negative experiences or circumstances. There is also a physical relationship in delineating meanings: while the benefics Venus and Jupiter are perceived as bright and clear stars, the malefics Mars and Saturn are seen in shades of red and dark brown. There is here the obvious relationship of light/dark or light/shadow as polarities, also imagined in relation to the Pythagorean opposites.

In practice, in a chart, each planet wants to express its natural significations. The role of benefics and malefics becomes vital from the moment they can affirm or negate, respectively, the significations of other planets. Benefics affirm, stabilize or enhance expressions. Malefics negate, destabilize, or corrupt significations of other planets.

Some examples:

Venus represents love, while Mars represents hate.

Jupiter represents freedom, while Saturn represents imprisonment.

Venus means friendships, while Mars means separations or war.

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