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Eighth House - Idle

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

One of the primary meanings of the eighth house is quite clear: death. But how can we derive other meanings from this concept? As with the other houses, there is much behind the word choice.

Its name, Epikataphora, is translated as "downward movement" or "bringing down to the ground." "Epi" is that which is over or above, as in epidermis, the upper part of the skin or epitaph, "over the grave." "Katá" is indicative of movement, as in cataphase, the descent of many heroes into the realm of Hades. Finally, "pherō" is related to "being carried."

Thus, the eighth house is not just the movement of descent itself - which would have something of a voluntary nature - like catabasis, but rather that which was high up and was pulled down almost as unexpectedly or against one's will, like death itself. The seventh house is also associated with symbolic death, for it is there where the sun sets on the horizon and life is extinguished in the nether world. However, it is in the eighth house where Icarus melts his wax wings and begins his fall.

The passiveness of action suggested by this definition also has to do with another concept attributed to this place. The eighth house is also referred to as the idle, inactive or non-productive house. According to Maternus, it is an inactive house because it makes no angle with the Ascendant. Therefore, this house represents forces that are not under our control, death being just one of them. This is the place of crises, losses, fears and powers that we have difficulty recognizing and simultaneously make us feel powerless in some way. When considering planets in this house and their rulers, we should think that the significations of each one may represent forces that are beyond our control or that can disempower us.

Whether through the lens of idleness, inefficient efforts, or unintentional downfall, this house brings us good reflections. One of its lessons is the analysis - sometimes in the dark - and understanding of our own limitations and what is beyond our control. Certainly, it brings with it a strong load of fear, but also the opportunity to cultivate a relationship with such forces and deepen one's own experience.

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