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Fifth House - Good Fortune

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Being below the horizon, the realm of the Moon, this house is related to the body and matter, and its significations are intertwined with those of the opposite house (11th) which, being in the realm of the Sun (above the horizon), concerns the spirit (daimon) and the mind. For Firmicus, the fifth house is named Good Fortune (Agathe Tyché) because it is the house of Venus, nocturnal benefic that symbolizes good things.

Thus, the concept of Fortune is also related to the physicality of our experience and what good things happen to our bodies. Therefore, it is associated with pleasures, romance, sex, and leisure. It is still one of the primary significations of children in a chart, but we can also see it as the creative potency of the native beyond fertility. For Valens, because it is a house of good deeds, benefic planets become more benefic and malefics less malefic.

Coincidentally (is it?), if we go back to the Proto-Indo-European roots of the word, we arrive at the term "bher" ("bear" or "have child", or "carry a child"), which in Greek would be pherein and in Latin ferre or fors (fortis), the latter also linked to fortune. It is a curious idea that having children and luck go together.

In Greece, the Moiras (meiresthai, "to obtain by sharing or luck"), spinners of fate, were above the gods and conducted the thread of life and the share each soul would receive. They were often grouped with Ilithia, the goddess of birth, and thus governed births as well.

Gradually, however, the Moiras lost space in the Greek world to Tyché, Luck or Chance, often represented as a blind goddess - like Justice - who was connected to the verb tynkkhanein, "to achieve by chance, to get by luck," and can be understood as what we obtain or achieve by the decision of the gods.

What do we do with what the goddess Tykhé brings us?

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