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Ninth House - God

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

If the Goddess has her dwelling in the inner realm - the third house - God resides up in the high heavens, the ninth house or Theos. From the high heavens one sees the world, and so we can understand the symbolism of this house.

It is associated with travel, pilgrimage, faith, religion, philosophy, wisdom and divine contemplation. In a way, we can run a thread through these meanings: the multiple forms of expansion.

We only realize that we are on an island when we travel away from it, just as we only recognize the smallness of our knowledge when we reach for higher knowledge. We can decipher the world by pilgrimages; reflection, whether philosophical or religious, increases our self-perception. This place also connects with the outside and/or great journeys - even if not physical, we can engage in extensive academic-philosophical journeys.

This is where the Sun, the golden representation of the divine in so many cultures, rejoices. While the goddess's dwelling has much of the religious practice itself, the faithful worship, this masculine nuance imputes more ordered meanings of religion, such as priesthood, dogma, and institutions.

Solar, the resplendent Apollo was also the god of the Oracle at Delphi. Before him, the titan Helios, with his head wrapped in lightning bolts and his horses Fire, Light, Flame and Shine, was called "the all-seeing eye of the world. Temples were where people went to seek answers, prophecies and oracular practices, including Astrology, and these matters also connect to the house of sun-god.

As god is also governing figure, forms of authorities can be related to the ninth house - but it is a notion that comes from the divine connection of rulers and kings and will be further explored in the 10th house.

Because the ascendant is seen by a flowing aspect, it is considered a favorable and productive house, albeit a falling one. However, as every other houses on the chart, challenging placements can indicate difficulties in relation to the themes represented in the given house.

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