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Seventh House - Setting

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Like the first, the seventh is related to the horizon. However, unlike the ascending sun in the east that, with its luminescence, separates and defines what was hidden in the shadows, at sunset everything blurs and loses focus. Here, the meeting of two worlds - the sky and the earth - takes place in twilight, without defined borders.

As opposed to the 1st house, of our body and identity, the 7th house connects to the "other". Thus, one of the subjects of this house is relationships in their multiple forms, in which the parts are mixed together; after all, part of the experience of relating is to know learn how to differentiate ourselves: to what extent am I me and the other is the other?

The ruler of the seventh house is one of the main points we look at when we are seeking to dig deeper into the native's marriage partnerships. On an outer level, we may tend to be attracted to people who are represented by or bear traits of the planets that are in this house or its ruler. Since we need the consent of the other, we turn to this house also for matters related to sex. It is worth reinforcing that this house refers to the "institutional" or "social" sense of relationships, that is, the partnership as something formalized, not necessarily in the amorous sense.

For Egyptian authors and Valens, for example, this house was also seen as the house of death due to the image of the sun, the giver of life, "dying" on the horizon and entering back into the earth. Other themes of the seventh include old age and partnerships that don't work out too well, that is, quarrels and disputes.

For this reason, it is often referred to as the home of declared enemies and wars (which I personally find a bit old-fashioned). Much of this reasoning is due to the oppositional nature of this house in relation to the "I" of the first house - where we come face to face with "opponents". However, where there is conflict there is also the possibility of resolution and growth: it is interesting to think that from the union between the god of war, Ares/Mars, and the goddess of love, Aphrodite/Venus, Harmony was born.

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