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Tenth House - Summit

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Mesouranima, a composition from meso, middle, and Ouranos (Uranus), the sky-god, the tenth house became popularly known as the Midheaven (MC). It was also referred to as koruphe, which has both physical and abstract meanings.

The former, similar to the concept of MC, involve top, top of a mountain, zenith, crown, but also the "summit" of the body - the head, especially when covered by a helmet. The word was used to describe the birth of Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, from the head of Zeus (korupha-gênese). In its most abstract concept, it can be related to the ultimate height, the apex of achievement, or that which has been accomplished or is elevated. In Latin, it is derived from summus, "over" or "super".

A third Greek term related to the 10th house is práxis, our action in the world or, in more current terms, our career. It is important for us to understand vocations, but it is not enough on its own to make a vocational reading of someone. An important point to note is that this is not the house related to work in the sense of labor, but that which is perceived as an occupation - what is high up in the sky is seen by all and public. Thus, we also understand here as being one's reputation.

On the opposite end of the axis, if the fourth house is the foundation or root, planets in 10 have a symbolic image of being a planet upon our heads, like a crown being worn. In this way, planets here can be "gifts" that we exhibit with ease - Venus in relation to the arts, Mercury with language and communication, or Saturn with organizational skills, for example.

The MC squaring the Ascendant, our body and self, can create a tension or rivalry between who we are and what is required of us to the world. Other challenging placements can present obstacles to our sense of personal fulfillment. The position of its ruler, on the other hand, is very important for connecting points in the chart in search of a sense of fulfillment - for example, in the 5th, working in the creative industry or with children; in the 11th, working with groups and friends may be more fruitful, and so on.

By overlapping a chart with the image of a tree we can visualize the crown at the highest point that is most visible. But to grow and realize ourselves, like a tree, we need to branch out and deepen our roots - this movement inward is fundamental to the understanding of our purpose.

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